Determination of the field of velocity vectors of the air stream flowing out of the diffuser

openaccess, Vol. 558 (2) 2019 / niedziela, 24 lutego, 2019

(Open Access)

A. Szmelter

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.02.07

The article presents an experimental study in the field of ventilation, carried out in theMalopolska Laboratory of Energy Efficient Buildings. Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (Stereo PIV) method was used in the experiment. The specification of the equipment of the research laboratory including the PIVsystemwas included, as well as a brief description of themethod. Preliminary results of the tests of the air stream flowing out of the ventilation grille used in typical housing construction have been presented. Keywords: Particle Image Velocimetry;measurementsmethods; air flow researches; ventilation.
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mgr inż. Aleksandra Szmelter, Politechnika Krakowska;Małopolskie Laboratorium Budownictwa Energooszczędnego;

mgr inż. Aleksandra Szmelter, Politechnika Krakowska;Małopolskie Laboratorium Budownictwa Energooszczędnego;