Determining concrete composition on recycled aggregates

Vol. 535 (3) 2017 / poniedziałek, 22 października, 2018

(in Polish)

A. Koper,
W. Koper

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.03.10

Volume 535: Issue 3
Pages 38-41
Accepted for publication: 06.02.2017

Determining the concrete composition with the use of RCA demands conditioning its different from the natural aggregates NA physical and mechanical properties. In the procedure of projecting the concrete composition with three equations theory the assumption of consistency class of concrete mixture is demanded. Having accepted it, the water demand of aggregates and cement is determined. In case of natural aggregates NA the formulas of Sterne's and Bolomey's are used in which aggregates water demand is conditioned from its kind and granulation and also from concrete mixture consistency. It was suggested a calculating method of determining recycled aggregates water demand wRCA, depending on its crushing rate wrm. It was determined a relation between crushing rate wrm and the coefficient ARCA taking place in the modified endurance equation of Bolomey and thus it became possible to use the method of three equations to project the concrete composition on recycled aggregates.

Keywords:concrete, recycled aggregates, water demand of aggregates, determining concrete composition
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  • dr inż. Artur Koper, Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Budownictwa, Mechaniki i Petrochemii
  • dr inż. Włodzimierz Koper, Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Budownictwa, Mechaniki i Petrochemii

dr inż. Artur Koper